We care

Since the beginning of Crystal Suites, we’ve always put a lot of pressure on keeping high standard of cleanliness, both in our apartments and common areas as well as maintaining hygenic behaviour among our staff. Reviews frequently mentioning immaculate cleanliness of our apartments are the best proof of our commitment to this matter.

In the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, having safety of our guests and staff as our main concern, we’ve updated our procedures and implemented some new steps, to ensure maximum protection to everyone staying at Crystal Suites.

What we are doing

  • We frequently ventilate all common areas.
  • We frequently disinfect door handles and light switches in common areas as well as handrail and elevator.
  • Sanitizers are available for our guests in common areas.
  • We provide masks and gloves for our staff and we reccommend frequent hand sanitizing.
  • Instructions on how to disinfect hands, remove masks and gloves are displayed in the toilets available for guests.
  • We do not allow non-registered guests on premises of Crystal Suites (except staff).
  • We’ve limited to minimum number of our staff working simultaneously at Crystal Suites.
  • Weekly cleaning service is done only on specific request.
  • After each departure we thoroughly clean and ventilate apartments and disinfect bathroom and all points of contact (countertops, light switches, remotes, door handles).
  • Our bedding and towels are washed at a minimum temperature of 60 ºC with the addition of detergent and delivered in a sanitary regime.

What we are asking for

  • Please keep adivsed distance of 1,5-2 meters from other people in common areas (hall, corridors, reception). Receptionist will attend to one guest at time, maintaining advised distance.
  • Please keep your mouth and nose covered with mask while entering common areas (corridors, reception). – Please note that from March 28th 2022 onwards all restrictions are lifted and wearing masks is not obligatory.
  • We encourage you to wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizers.
  • When coughing or sneezing, we ask you to cover mouth and nose with a bent elbow or handkerchief. In accordance with medical guidelines, we advice against touching your face with your hands unintentionally.

Important contact information

Current limitations and official regulations:

Information for foreigners: 0048 12 312 06 46
Voivodship Sanitary and Epidemiological Station
• Emergency: 0048 667 881 188
• Information: 0048 12 254 95 00